New ground-up build
Major open-store remodels Open-store departmental remodels Cash register relocations and additions Refrigeration case change outs relocations and additions Cold storage box replacements modifications and additions Refrigeration cooling tower replacements
End of Life cold storage box replacements Cooling tower changeouts Refrigeration case changeouts
Save Mart
Major open-store refrigeration remodels Case change outs relocations and additions Refrigeration EMS controls Refrigeration cooling tower replacements
Moved in ground receptacles Gondola lighting and alterations
Electrical maintenance and service Moving receptacles for existing equipment Adding service for new equipment
New ground-up builds Major open-store remodels Departmental remodels – Refrigeration and non-refrigeration Refrigeration case changeouts Cold storage box replacements and modifications CO2 system installations and upgrades EMS upgrades Refrigeration system controls modifications and upgrades Lighting- sales floor and cold storage relocation maintenance and modifications Refrigeration cooling tower replacements In-house catered electrical service support
Trader Joe’s
Open store remodels Register relocations upgrades and modifications Refrigeration case changeouts Cold storage box replacements and modifications Lighting Store support and service Refrigeration cooling tower replacements
New ground-up build Kitchen remodels and modifications New equipment additions Panel upgrades and additions Drive Thru canopy additions Dining lighting upgrades and modifications
Grocery Outlet
Open store remodels Refrigeration upgrade and modifications Case change outs Cold storage box modifications replacement and additions Refrigeration cooling tower replacements